martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

The simple life!

It is a different form of living, the people practice this lifestyle have a lead a less accelerated, there is so much stress are more aware of what is best for the environment, are viewed differently in a society as consumer one of the practices that interested me most was to know how to save natural resources and economic. And those despite being able to access the facilities to make your life easier follow their beliefs and live a more rural life for example they use a wood stove, clothesline, candles, hand saw, consume household products, etc.

Their dress is too simple, its appearance is very different to people who do not share their lifestyle, and the food is very healthy, free of chemicals as they are dedicated to plant what they eat. It’s an interesting culture and; in my case, never heard about them, I agree with these people worry about saving the environment, the family and spirituality is one of the most important parts of their lives, and care the nature and animals. This culture is not consumerism and they are very different in this materialistic society; these people live very humble and don’t worry about the other people think. For me, the most important and interesting is the people voluntary forget luxury and adopt lifestyle completely extreme. It is important to respect this culture and for me is admirable what they do for the world.

martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010


When you fall in love with other person and you share many things and you know enough your partner it is time take a decision and get married, however it is necessary to stay and feel prepared, because it is a important step and can transform your live.
For me, the marriage is not simple but when you put faith, love, responsibility, efford is possible find the happiness.

The communication is the better form to solve the problems, and couples don’t forget they there´s no ideal live, relation depends both and it is just to make happy the other person. In marriage is fundamental the details, respect, to be friendly. Don’t forget say: “I love you” make feel the other be love.

I think the people don’t get marriage because they have fear at the compromise and share their life with other person. And for this reason and more prefers to live alone. When the people say “I do” is a big responsibility and it is a compromise with your partner nowadays then exist many divorces because the couples don’t follow god, is primordial for the marriage to go at church and care the seed of love all the days and respect your wife or husband.

The greenhouse effect

Today is very common listen to many people say: “the world is dead”, and it is true, the word “Green house effect” is very popular; for me it is a result to the combination of air contaminated with CO2, I in concern of this big problem and it is necessary that old the people change habits and customs; for example spend less water, go to work by bicycle, bus and recycle.

It not is just for the next generations live in a disaster or in a war for water or food. In Costa Rica there exist campaigns when you recycle and other reutilice this products to benefit the world. Many animals lose their habit for global warming and many ecosystem changes for this problem.

There exist forms to help to stop the development of the Greenhouse effect and we all can reduce our food print. It is very simple the unique requirement it’s all want. Recently, in different parts of world, there have been events like huracans, fires, tsunamis, and for me all has a relation with the change in the climate. The earth needs that all make to be aware off stoped destroying it is an obligation for me, for you, and for all. It is easy change; the difficult part is to begin that is the first steep.

Conserve the planet, animals, water, air, and natural resources; there exists only planet, it is your decision to change or not.